Prendre soin de la planète en faisant ses courses au quotidien.

Le dispositif français d’affichage environnemental évalue l’impact des produits alimentaires sur la planète et les hommes et le synthétise sous forme d’étiquette pour permettre à tous de mieux choisir ses produits.

Planet-score® is an environmental rating system based on ADEME’s Agribalyse database and other complementary key elements, such as biodiversity, pesticides, IPCC updates of climatic elements, etc.
It integrates the environmental impact from farm to fork (ingredients, their origin, cultivation or rearing methods, packaging, and transport). It reflects all the issues, without taboo, without greenwashing, however with a high level of requirements. Planet-score® label gives relevant keys to citizens in order to choose, and to companies in order to act. To contribute to the daily fight against the decline of biodiversity, climate change, deforestation, water- and air pollution.
methodological diagram of the planet score
Planet-score® is a label designed to be displayed on food products, on packaging as well as on e-commerce websites or mobile applications. It informs consumers about the environmental impact of food.
The label indicates the key points and major environmental issues related to food: pesticides, biodiversity, climate- and rearing methods. Because of its intuitive and educational aspect, Planet-score is the label widely preferred by consumers in all the studies carried out (UFC-Que Choisir...). Planet-score is a demanding and transparent label: it guarantees not only the absence of greenwashing but a real commitment by the food industry players who are displaying the label on their products.
Comparative rating preferences with Planet-score in the lead
Planet-score corresponds to a credible scenario of ecological transition of our eating habits, calibrated by experts in agronomy and environment. It is in line with the prospective scenarios on a European scale which show that the perspective of a sustainable food supply is not only desirable, but also realistic.
Planet-score serves this ecological transition of food and agriculture. It shows in a transparent way the essential impacts of food, mainly due to agricultural production (on average 85%), but also to transport, packaging, processing, etc.
: Photo mosaic: 85% of the environmental impact is linked to production
methodological diagram of the planet score Comparative rating preferences with Planet-score in the lead Photo mosaic: 85% of the environmental impact is linked to production

Why Planet-score?

Designed by scientists and experts concerned with the general interest, and supported by a large body of civil society, Planet-score® is an independent and transparent methodology for the environmental labelling of food. It uses French state databases (Agribalyse ADEME) and completes them with other indicators to reflect all issues, without taboos, without greenwashing, but with a high level of requirements, from the field to the plate. Planet-score® includes impacts on the entire life cycle of food: from production to packaging, energy and transport included.

Planet-score® label is a relevant tool for citizens to choose, and for companies to act, in order to contribute to the daily fight against the decline of biodiversity, climate change, deforestation, water- and air pollution.

Planet-score is supported by donations and patronage, and ensures its mission of general interest in the service of the transition in particular through foundations such as the 1% for the Planet

logo 1_for_planet quechoisir ufc fonds

Some examples

  • Organic hen eggs
    Score : a
    a b c d e
    • Pesticides Score : a
      a b c d e
    • Biodiversity Score : b
      a b c d e
    • Climate Score : a
      a b c d e
    • Breeding method
  • Caged chicken eggs
    Score : c
    a b c d e
    • Pesticides Score : c
      a b c d e
    • Biodiversity Score : d
      a b c d e
    • Climate Score : d
      a b c d e
    • Breeding method
  • Organic dark chocolate with no guarantee of deforestation
    Score : c
    a b c d e
    • Pesticides
    • Biodiversity
    • Climate

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